By Jake Hilley
As the 3A Region Meet began, so many athletes were witnessing their season come to a close. Panama City was not only the host to the region meet, but for the last chance of so many senior athletes across numerous prestigious schools. Seniors such as Daisy Ross, Ethan Jensen, and Ray Gottschalk all put their cross country running shoes on for the last time as a Ponte Vedra Shark Senior Tanner Brinsko stated “I’m going to miss it for sure. The memories and friends that I’ve made will last forever. Even though I’m continuing my career in college, I will always hold my high school running days near and dear to my heart.”
“I’m going to miss it for sure. The memories and friends that I’ve made will last forever. Even though I’m continuing my career in college, I will always hold my high school running days near and dear to my heart.”
tanner brinsko (12)
Senior Daisy Ross finished the season strong with a first place finish of 18:18:31 and turned heads while doing so. Senior Sofia Bushkell and Junior Olivia Kaminsky were not far behind finishing with times of 19:15:79 and 19:41:66 respectively. On the boys side, Juniors Walker White and Miles Wicks put an exclamation mark on their grand season by running at 16:21:62 and 16:26:15. Their blazing fast times were enough to propel themselves to 10th and 12th overall at the meet, and help provide more momentum to next season, and for the next generation of Ponte Vedra Shark runners.
Pictured: The girls cross country holding the regional championship trophy.