
The PVHS Academy of Future Educators Introduces Robot Babies

BY: Nate Wicker Students around Ponte Vedra High School may have noticed certain students over the past few weeks carrying around robotic babies. These automated tots are utilized by the PVHS Academy of Future Educators for the purpose of teaching…

PVHS Introduces New Required Financial Literacy Course

By Ryder Navarra    In March of 2022, Florida Govenor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1054, also known as the “Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act”, which will require students who enter high school in the 2023-2024 school year to…

Dune Restoration Project Set to Begin

By Jackson Gianchetta As Ponte Vedra High School students trek out to the area’s many local beaches, they may notice something different along the coastline this fall. Following the tumultuous North Florida hurricane season, St. Johns County has embarked on…

School Elevator Breaks Down for the Second Time This Year

By Amelia Rogers-Neubarth    The 2023-2024 school year has just reached the second quarter at Ponte Vedra High School. During the first quarter alone the school elevator has already broken twice. This causes issues for a number of students trying…

With New Fence Around PVHS Track, Seniors Hope to Spark a New Tradition

By Ryder Navarra    The newly added fence to Ponte Vedra High School’s track has sparked some discussion among students and alumni. The newly added fence that goes along with the various other renovations and constructions around the school, such as…

Classical Learning Test Emerges as Standardized Test Alternative

By Nate Wicker High school students in Florida could find themselves taking an alternative option to the traditional college entrance exams of the past. The “Classic Learning Test” or CLT for short, “exists to reconnect knowledge and virtue by providing…

The Writers Strike and How Entertainment is Changing

By Phillip Berkwit Both Hollywood writers and actors have been on strike. According to, “Some 11,500 Hollywood writers, represented by the Writers Guild of America (WGA), walked off the job on May 2 and have been on strike since…

ChatGPT Changes High School Assignments

By Foster Keebaugh      ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) web browser that generates text responses based on the questions asked. It uses modern technology that creates AI generated responses, so it feels like talking to a human. Unlike other…

Sports Gambling Takes Over PVHS

By Landon Rogers-Neubarth   Teenagers rebelling and indulging in adult activities such as drinking, vaping, and smoking are not entirely uncommon. Despite the dangers of these activities 30 percent of 15-20-year-olds admit to illegally drinking. Underaged sports gambling is the…

Young Feminist Club Hosts Motivational Speaker

By Leila Wickliffe     Ponte Vedra High School’s Young Feminist Club hosted its biggest event of the year. On February 10, the club invited Donna Orender to speak to the club after school. Orender spoke about sports, business, and women’s…