By Emma Jabbour
Now that we are in second semester, high school seniors are in the last home stretch before graduation. But with that excitement of college approaching, comes stress and big decisions, and many seniors are looking for scholarship opportunities. There are a lot of opportunities that could earn a student large amounts of money. Deciding where to attend college is a big choice, and these scholarships could potentially play a part in your decision.

An amazing opportunity for a scholarship is the AFSA High School Essay Contest. The American Foreign Service Association offers students an opportunity to explore the role of Foreign Service and Civilian Government. The applicants will need to write a 1,000-1,250 word essay corresponding to the essay prompt. The winner of this scholarship will win a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet a member of the State Department’s Leadership, a full scholarship for a Semester at Sea educational voyage, and $2,500. The runner-up will receive $1,250 along with a full scholarship to the International Diplomacy Program of the National Student Leadership Conference. The deadline for this scholarship is April 5, 2021.
The Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship will provide financial support to an Asian- American student who is pursuing a major in the performing or visual arts, mass communications, and/or journalism. The applicant must be a high school senior or college student with at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA, that is 25% Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity. The deadline for this scholarship is May 31, 2021 and the award is $1,000.

The A Voice for Animals Contests is an incredible scholarship with students who have a passion for protecting animals. The contestant will have to submit an essay, video, or an essay with photo submissions according to the various prompts. The student must be under 19 years of age and there are 20 different awards available. The winner of the contest will receive $500. The deadline for this contest is May 31, 2021.
For high school seniors planning to major in plant sciences, horticulture, forestry, entomology, or a similar major, the Arborjet Taking Root Scholarship Program is potentially beneficial to look into. There are 10 $1,000 awards available for the winners, who must submit a transcript of their grades. The deadline for this opportunity is June 1, 2021.
All these scholarships are wonderful opportunities for high school seniors. These scholarships can impact the decision of where a student chooses to attend college. As high school seniors embark on this next chapter of life, it is important that they take advantage of all the opportunities waiting at their fingertips. Hopefully some of these scholarships can make the next few months and many decisions a little easier.