By Chipper Jones
After a disappointing latter half of the season, Ponte Vedra High School girls’ soccer team has conquered the title of District Champions for the third year in a row. Starting off with a stunning display at District Semi-Finals, the lady sharks scored 8-0 against Matanzas High School. Juniors, Tamlyn Parks and Riley Rojahn carried the game each scoring 2 points with ease.
Advancing forward to the District Championship the PVHS girls’ soccer team played an extremely good game against Englewood High School 8-0 again. This time the lady sharks had no mercy for their unfortunate opponents as they enabled the use of a strong offensive approach to score as much as possible, with most players scoring a goal with Molly Schmachemburger leading the team with 2 points.
The lady sharks are set to have an extremely good chance at states this year, and hopefully a redemption from last season’s states game, where they were one game away from scoring a state championship run.