By Amelia Rogers-Neubarth
In high school, the workload becomes more rigorous requiring students to maximize their study time and energy for classes. This causes students to put in extra time to study, do homework, and other assignments that many students have a hard time focusing to do so. With music some students are kept in their own world and can calm down to lock in and get work done
Music can create a good distraction when students are stressed about schoolwork and getting things finished in time. “Having trouble trying to focus on an assignment?” Just play your favorite song to provide motivation needed to complete assignments. Elizabeth Darnell, a junior at Ponte Vedra High School shared, “Music is a way to block out a class full of people and get my work done. It improves my mood to follow through with my assignments especially homework.” Music makes a student’s school day more enjoyable while keeping up their work efficiency.
According to Florida National University, music engages areas of the brain involved in paying attention and making predictions. These functions are vital for students to use daily at school. Music is very helpful to the mental effort it takes to think deeper, which is sometimes hard for teenagers. A helpful solution being as simple as playing music can really evoke a student’s true potential and brain activity when it comes to school.
When listening to classical music, it seems to increase mood and productivity making it great for studying. Another good alternative if you aren’t into classical music would be electronic music, it can have little to no lyrics which is best for focus and studying.
If a student is listening to music while studying, they should take the beats per minute into account. Music with 60-70 beats per minute help students study longer and retain more information according to Florida National University. The volume of the students’ music is another thing you should consider. Music should be more of a background. Don’t drown out student’s thoughts with the sound.
“Music is a way to block out a class full of people and get my work done. It improves my mood to follow through with my assignments especially homework.”
Elizabeth Darnell (11)
Avoid platforms that come with commercials or ads. These are just added distractions that pull focus away from the task at hand. For the most benefits, listening to music that is enjoyable and that makes students feel good may vary, but a recent study suggests memory is improved by the mood boost from listening, not the background music itself.
No matter their age, students can continue to benefit from music to help their academic performance. Studying can be stressful and often evokes anxiety. The right choice of music can help block out distractions, improve concentration, and maintain attention, says the University of Maryland Global Campus.
Most importantly, students should be in a good headspace when they study or sit down to do assignments. It is important to pick music that carries out a positive mindset. This ensures the task at hand gets done while giving students that extra bit of motivation to succeed.
let’s go Amelia! what up Mr Johnson and new journalism class keep up the quality stories