By Roberto Lachner
In a statement released earlier this week, Ponte Vedra High School Admin announced two big changes to he 2022-2023 curriculum. First, AP Seminar will be offered to Juniors only, who will then be able to take AP Research the following year o earn the AP Capstone distinction. Also, the Academies at PVHS will see a new addition to their roster in the Education Academy, aimed at students who wish to pursue professional education later in life. The full statement can be seen below.

Good evening Shark Families:
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We are hoping that 2022 will be a great year for our school Community.
Over the next several months, we begin the process of scheduling students for the 2022-2023 Academic School Year. There is important information regarding scheduling contained in this email. Please review it carefully with your student.
We are very pleased to announce that Ponte Vedra High School has been approved to offer the AP Capstone Diploma Program for the 2022-2023 school year. We will be offering the first course, AP Seminar, to Juniors only. The class of 2024 will be the first to have the opportunity to graduate with this distinction. More information regarding program requirements is contained in this PDF.
In the 2022-2023 school year, we will be launching an Education strand to our Academy Programs for those interested in a career in teaching. More information will be provided at various parent/student academy sessions.
PVHS Admin