
Gradeway Offers HAC Alternative

By Aspen McAdoo

Gradeway is an app that takes Home Access Center (HAC) to the next level. This app keeps grades, attendance, and many more resources in one place. The developer of Gradeway is Srujan Mupparapu and the app is not affiliated with Ponte Vedra High School.  Gradeway keeps the account logged in, so there is no need to login very time the app gets opened. The app comes with a planner, a reminder screen, and there is a way to create a school’s bell schedule. Grades, attendance, and transcript can all be used with the basic version of the app. 

The app shows all the important information on the main screen of the app such as: attendance, reports cards, progress reports, and transcripts. On the grades screen the app color codes the class grades based on the grade in the class (A is green and B is blue). On the top of the screen Gradeway list each of the four marking periods. On the next screen it is dedicated to Gradeway premium and all the resources it comes with. On the final screen is a planner tab for homework and reminder tab. 

Gradeway premium cost $4.99 a year. The year starts with a one-month free trial and cancellation at any time. Gradeway premium comes with a score graph, a “what if” calculator, a GPA calculator, and an advanced planner. The premium version of the app allows people to make the app fit their personality. This version of the app also allows a daily view to see what assignments each teacher puts in based off the assignment’s dates. Lastly the premium version offers grade insights, to see how class scores have changed over the year. 

“Gradeway premium is well worth the $5. The “what if” calculator is the coolest thing it has to offer.”

Thomas Arndt

Students who had the premium version said it is well worth the $5 a year. Thomas Arndt, a sophomore, said, “Gradeway premium is well worth the $5. The “what if” calculator is the coolest thing it has to offer.” Jack Brady, a sophomore, also said, “I don’t have the premium version of the app, but it is so much easier to use Gradeway because I don’t have to login every time.” 

Many students at PVHS check HAC regularly. At PVHS Gradeway isn’t a very popular app, of the 65 students surveyed only 28 of them had the app. Of the 28 students that had the app only nine out of the 28 had Gradeway premium. Out of the 19 kids who had the app, but not the premium version, 15 of them said they would consider getting the premium version later in the school year, providing Gradeway is well on its way to becoming the new standard.


  1. idk what this. or what its for. but im litrally in elementary school right now. and im just here to say that i am litrally going to be a plumber when i grow up.

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