By Rocco Garcia
On Apr. 2, the Ponte Vedra High School Baseball team faced the Ridgeview Panthers in a rematch of last years regional quarter finals. The Sharks had lost to the Panthers and seek revenge for their early send home in 2023. The Panthers started out early and went up one run in the top of the first. Following that, the junior third basemen, Cole Rambler, singled and scored senior outfielder, Cade Eidam to knot the score. Rambler stated, “I think our defense was exceptional, our bats were moving well and we were swinging at strikes.” The Sharks added more runs in the bottom of the second with junior second basemen, Aspen McAdoo, singling and scoring seniors Nate Wicker and Sam Evans. McAdoo then stole second and scored on an error bringing the score to 4-1. The panthers added one run in both the top of the third and fourth. The junior starting pitcher for the night, Carson Evanger, held the panther to three runs in five innings and the junior relief pitcher, Dylan McAdoo, finished the night with zero runs allowed and got the save. The Sharks added one more run in the bottom of the fifth with Wicker stealing second base and senior outfielder, Parker Gunnell, stole home and concluded the night with a 5-3 score. The Sharks will play the Bishop Kenny Crusaders on Apr. 4 at home to catch a win streak.
“I think our defense was exceptional, our bats were moving well and we were swinging at strikes.”
cole ramber (11)
The Crusaders started out scoring three runs in the top of the second and on run the third. The Crusaders added another in the fifth. The Sharks responded with one in the bottom of the fifth and sixth. The Sharks failed to succeed in a late rally and lost 5-2. “Errors just killed us, if we fix that we will be fine,” said junior short stop, Grady Hartman.
The Sharks then hosted the 11-7 Bartram Trail Bears the next day. The Bears started out with one in the top of the first and the Sharks responded with one in the bottom of the first. The Bears added another in the second and three in the third. The Sharks responded with one in the bottom of the third and four runs in the bottom of the fourth. The Bears continued to add more runs with one in the fifth, one in the sixth. And seven in the seventh inning. The final score was 14-7 with the Bears on top. The Sharks will host the 14-2 Tocoi Creek Toros on Apr. 8 in effort to break the Toros 13 game win streak
Pictured: Parker Gunnell (12) up to bat and waiting for a pitch