
All About SJCSD Driver’s Ed

By Oren Dajci    As high school students in the St. Johns County School District (SJCSD) approach legal driving age, many freshmen and sophomores are looking for instructors to teach them how to drive. While there are private driving schools,…

Civil rights run-down

By Alana Zuckerman 2020 was the year of change, activism, quarantine, and chaos. Before the year got kicked off, December 31, 2019, the Chinese government announced they were investigating an “outbreak of a respiratory illness in the central city of…

This Week in History 11/23-11/30

November 23, 1887– the actor who played Frankenstein, Boris Karloff, was born in London. November 24, 1859– Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was first published. November 26, 1703– a “Great Storm” lasting…

How to know if you are ethically sourcing

By: Emily Charles In the western world, there seems to be an endless amount of material goods pouring into stores at a constant rate. But while shoppers view clothing and household appliances from the shelves of department stores, a staggering…

This Week in History 11/1- 11/7

November 1, 79- The city of Pompeii is buried by an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. The eruption killed nearly 2000 people and left the city in ruins. November 2, 1889- North and South Dakota become US states. Originally, it was…

This Week in History 10/25- 10/31

October 27, 1791– President George Washington transmitted to Congress the results of the first US census, exclusive of South Carolina which had not yet submitted its findings. On the same day in 1728, Captain James Cook was born in the…

This Week in History 10/18 – 10/24

October 18, 1867 the rules for American football were formulated in a meeting in New York among delegates from Columbia, Rutgers, Princeton, and Yale Universities. On the same day in 1968, US athletes Tommi Smith and John Carlos gave “black…

This Week in History 9/28- 10/4

September 28, 1939- The Nazis and the Soviet Union agreed to divide Poland. The town of Warsaw was seized by German troops. September 30, 1955– James Dean perished in a tragic car accident while driving his Porsche. He was 24…