PVHS Tiburon

How to know if you are ethically sourcing

By: Emily Charles In the western world, there seems to be an endless amount of material goods pouring into stores at a constant rate. But while shoppers view clothing and household appliances from the shelves of department stores, a staggering…

PVHS Film Festival!

By: Avery Dasher Deadline: March 1st must be under fifteen minutes See Mr Nettle for questions    During quarantine many found themselves spending hours watching countless movies and binging whole T.V. seasons in the short span of three days. This…

What words were invented on your birth year?

According to Merriam-Webster, these words became official in the following years. By: Josh Sanchez   2002 Parkour – the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently Norovirus – any genus of small, round, single-stranded…

How real are TV teens?

By: Aidan West    The media is an important part of how we view the world as a society and due to an obsession with teen culture, more shows are being created that try to portray the struggles of young…

This Week in History 11/1- 11/7

November 1, 79- The city of Pompeii is buried by an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. The eruption killed nearly 2000 people and left the city in ruins. November 2, 1889- North and South Dakota become US states. Originally, it was…

This Week in History 10/25- 10/31

October 27, 1791– President George Washington transmitted to Congress the results of the first US census, exclusive of South Carolina which had not yet submitted its findings. On the same day in 1728, Captain James Cook was born in the…

How to eat “green” at lunch

Choose Reusable. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, every child who brings a brown-bag lunch to school each day generates 67 pounds of waste by the end of the school year. Instead of packing individual snacks in single-use disposable plastic bags…

The story behind Jack O’ Lanterns

By Remy Cush    Fall is here when the evenings get darker a little earlier, and grocery stores start filling up with Halloween candies and an array of pumpkins. They first appear in the vegetable and produce aisles, then they…

This Week in History 10/18 – 10/24

October 18, 1867 the rules for American football were formulated in a meeting in New York among delegates from Columbia, Rutgers, Princeton, and Yale Universities. On the same day in 1968, US athletes Tommi Smith and John Carlos gave “black…

How to make a loaf of bread

By Elliot Kantor Learning to cook is not the laborious process that it used to be. Today, we have internet videos, endless recipes, and more time than ever before to learn new skills. Most people know that they should learn…