Girls soccer team breaks 80% win rate

By Chipper Jones    Ponte Vedra High School’s girls’ soccer team has continued to steamroll the competition, shooting up to an eighty percent win rate. Prior to the break they tied with Nease High School 1—1, and then followed up…

The Age of DISinformation

By Aiden West Critics of Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal used the term “yellow journalism” to characterize the sensational journalism. By creating stories of hyperbole and human interest stories, these newspapers were able…

Kid Cudi’s “Man on the Moon III” smashes expectations- review

By: Levi D’Amato There’s nothing harder than fulfilling the highest of expectations as an artist or performer. There have been many examples of disappointments from fans after a lackluster final act of a trilogy or series. Think of “The Godfather”…

Boys Basketball rides the wave

   By: Rett Maritato The sharks have continued their hot streak, winning six straight games. They defeated Bartram Trail High School by a final of 57-47. Junior, Luke Pirris, has been on a tear scoring another 26 points in the…

Ocean of Sound plays through the challenges

By Mason Peters             The PVHS Ocean of Sound band transitioned into a needed break after experiencing a wild year playing horns and woodwinds. With a new band director this year and Covid-19 obstacles, students managed to make the best…

Quarantine plagues boy’s soccer team

By Connor Franco The Ponte Vedra Sharks boy’s soccer team has had a rocky start to the season. Throughout the first games, many players have been quarantined due to Covid-19. The Sharks continuous quarantines have led to a shaky 5-2…

Girls Soccer remains undefeated

By: Christan Carvin Jones    The Ponte Vedra girls’ soccer season started with two draws against both Creekside High School and Lake Mary, 3-3 and 1-1, respectively. The season took a turn as they scored their win against St. Joseph…

2021 AP exams update

By Tucker Dimberg    College Board Advanced Placement Exams (AP Exams) are a daunting part of every student’s academic career. Last year, many were left dazed and confused after the dramatic altering of every exam to adapt to the COVID-19…

The musical genre divide

By Rachel Bacchus With how exhausting this past year has been, and with 2021 quickly approaching, it feels as though it may be nice to look into a more light hearted topic. With that, the thought of music comes to…

Florida’s constitution is changing

By: Roberto Lachner    The 2020 election has long passed, and although everyone has heard about the flashy races and results, such as the presidency, senate, and house of representatives, there was one section on every Floridian’s ballot which will…